Blogging for Business 101: San Antonio AMA Marketing Mastery Series

Here are my slides from today’s talk on “Blogging for Business 101” with the San Antonio chapter of the American Marketing Association, as part of their Marketing Mastery Series.

Hope you enjoyed it!    Blogging for Business 101

A quick update to this post (at 11:20am on Thursday, June 4th).  If you’re having any trouble downloading these slides, please feel free to email me at and I’ll be happy to email you a version of the presentation that may be more compatible with your computer (the one posted is from Microsoft Office ’97-’03 since I thought that would work with most systems, but I can also email you an Office/Power Point ’07 version if that works better).  Thanks!

PS.  If you were at the presentation, please feel free to leave your comments here.  I’d love your feedback!  And again, thanks for attending!