
Tracy Marlowe
April 7, 2011

Creative Noggin may be one of the smaller shops represented at the 2010 ADDY Awards in February, but we were proud to walk away with four ADDY awards. Three of which were gold! Kudos to our amazing team and even more incredible Creative Director, Trish McCabe Rawls. Couldn’t have done [...]

Tracy Marlowe
January 17, 2011

Loved and had to share this video posted on AdWeek surmising the outcome if ad agencies were to plan kids birthday parties. Hilarious! Hope it brings a smile to your face. –Tracy Marlowe

Tracy Marlowe
January 14, 2011

Lately, many of my friends have been going out and buying TOMS shoes. You know… the ugly looking alpargatas shoes you get a Whole Foods while grocery shopping. It turns out, you can also get them at Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom’s and Bergdorf Goodman and get exclusive styles through these retailers [...]

Tracy Marlowe
December 3, 2010

I find it interesting that Walmart has finally begun to attempt (through much marketing and PR expense) to elevate their brand beyond their platform of being the king of low prices. Yes, everyone has always known that Walmart had (or at least claimed to have) the lowest prices in town. [...]

Tracy Marlowe
November 30, 2010

We were very excited this fall to launch the new brand for our client, the Nix Health Care System. It’s very rare that we get the chance to do a total brand makeover for a client, from head to toe. But this was one of those very rare opportunities. John [...]

Tracy Marlowe
November 19, 2010

OK , so I promise this is not a blog-writing cop-out. I just simply happened upon this article today and was jumping up in my cushioned ergonomic chair saying “YES! YES!” My whole life people have always been telling me “You’re so creative.” But it’s also a compliment I subconsciously [...]

Tracy Marlowe
November 10, 2010

A client sent me this funny video, which was a nice way to start the day. But more than that, it made me think about the current state of TV advertising. Clients have asked me many times recently, “Is traditional media dying? Will social media and the internet cause a [...]

Tracy Marlowe
November 5, 2010

Thirty-eight percent of American mobile phone users — 120 million people — access the web via their mobile device; fewer than 30 million are iPhones or Android phones. (Mobile Access 2010 Pew Internet and American Life Project) and according to a research report by Morgan Stanley, mobile web usage will [...]

Tracy Marlowe
October 22, 2010

Facebook came under fire this week for violating privacy policies where they were revealing your name, the names of your Facebook friends, and potentially tracking the websites you visit online to some advertisers. We’ve all seen the ads on Facebook; mine are all about healthy eating, baby products and sometimes [...]

Tracy Marlowe
October 18, 2010

I read an interesting article from Mark Evans pondering what Twitter is actually worth. Considering that Twitter has yet failed to make any money, it’s an intriguing question and I’ll be eager to see the outcome. Some have pondered that the company could be worth a billion + based upon [...]