Hello readers! We’re so thrilled to be posting our first entry into the new Creative Noggin blog. It’s so cool that the blogosphere gives us the chance to reach out to our clients, colleagues and the San Antonio and South Texas Marketing Community, and to talk about the top-of-mind concerns that we are facing as marketers in today’s business climate.
What will you find here? We’ll be talking about branding, how to better reach your markets, cost effective means to leverage social marketing and advertising as a whole.
We’ll also post updates on the happenings at the agency. What we’re up to. What we’re bragging about these days! As well as challenges that we may be facing.
We look forward to seeing you!
And just so that we keep this content pertinent to what people are looking for, let us know what you would find useful. Do you want to hear more about social marketing? The evolution of marketing and advertising? Direct marketing? What would interest you?
by Tracy Marlowe and Trish McCabe