
A little bit of marketing advice. A little bit of trend surfing. A little bit of opinion. A little bit of ranting and raving. A little bit of, well… everything from our creative — and insightful — noggins.
Tracy Marlowe
May 1, 2009

I attended yesterday’s #SAMPRB (for those who don’t know, that stands for San Antonio Media, PR and Business) Tweetup at Paloma Blanca. I’d say that, overall, it was a huge success. Representatives from each faction stood up to talk a little bit about personal branding and how you can use [...]

Tracy Marlowe
April 30, 2009

I have that picture in my mind of the ape evolving into the human, and it has made me think about my time as an art director. When I first got into this business, I would sit in a room with a writer and have fun—think of ideas, write headlines, [...]

Tracy Marlowe
April 28, 2009

There are so many businesses that start out on a shoestring and have to cut corners, understandably. But if you’re starting a new business, make it a priority to hire an experienced designer to create your logo for you. Require that they create a VECTOR based logo. If they don’t [...]

Tracy Marlowe
April 21, 2009

Another great post from well known social media strategist Chris Brogan today on who we should “be” as companies when we are working to develop a social media presence and connect with our audience (or potential audience). I found it very thought provoking. At Creative Noggin, we’re pretty much of [...]

Tracy Marlowe
April 20, 2009

With Internet Marketing getting everyone buzzing these days, a term that gets thrown around quite a bit is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You’ll see it in business articles, in blogs, hear about it in coffee shops and from your Bluehat Marketing partners. I’ve spent the last year really delving deep [...]

Tracy Marlowe
April 15, 2009

We’re so excited to announce that Creative Noggin is sponsoring TweetCampSA. Haven’t heard about it? Well it’s a really cool event coming this summer that anyone can attend to learn more about the hottest microblogging website/service around, Twitter. There will be 100 participants/attendees. These will include Twitter afficianados as well [...]

Tracy Marlowe
April 14, 2009

I just realized the other day that, while I’ve been steamrolling ahead, embracing social media and marketing, learning all that I can and putting those learnings into practice for our clients, a great deal of the business world is still at square one. At a meeting last week, a client [...]

Tracy Marlowe
April 9, 2009

I had a client say to me just yesterday, “You know, I just want you to know, you all are doing fantastic work and I am really enjoying working with you. It’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed the creative process so much.” This meant the world to both Trish [...]

Tracy Marlowe
April 9, 2009

It’s interesting in this economic downturn to hear the words of wisdom that so many are spouting. Although, we’re finding that it can be hard to know who to really trust since this is a time unlike any we have known in our history. Marketing guru Mike Linton, a multi-disciplinary, [...]

Tracy Marlowe
April 7, 2009

If you’re interviewing marketing agencies, be sure you ask the following questions. It would also be wise to ask them of your current agency. You may be surprised at the answers. And the agency will likely be thrown off guard by the insightful questions! 5. Will the actual creatives that [...]