
A little bit of marketing advice. A little bit of trend surfing. A little bit of opinion. A little bit of ranting and raving. A little bit of, well... everything from our creative — and insightful — noggins.

The Power of TV Advertising

Tracy Marlowe  |  November 10, 2010
A client sent me this funny video, which was a nice way to start the day.  But more than that, it made me think about the current state of TV advertising. Clients have asked me many times recently, "Is traditional media dying? Will social media and the internet cause a steady decline in traditional advertising […]

Is it time to mobilize?

Tracy Marlowe  |  November 5, 2010
Thirty-eight percent of American mobile phone users — 120 million people — access the web via their mobile device; fewer than 30 million are iPhones or Android phones. (Mobile Access 2010 Pew Internet and American Life Project) and according to a research report by Morgan Stanley, mobile web usage will exceed all other web usage […]

Facebook Privacy Violation: How far is too far?

Tracy Marlowe  |  October 22, 2010
Facebook came under fire this week for violating privacy policies where they were revealing your name, the names of your Facebook friends, and potentially tracking the websites you visit online to some advertisers. We’ve all seen the ads on Facebook; mine are all about healthy eating, baby products and sometimes I even get advertising professional […]

What is Twitter actually worth? A billion? Nada?

Tracy Marlowe  |  October 18, 2010
I read an interesting article from Mark Evans pondering what Twitter is actually worth.  Considering that Twitter has yet failed to make any money, it's an intriguing question and I'll be eager to see the outcome.  Some have pondered that the company could be worth a billion + based upon its network of over 125 […]

Wanna go into advertising? Become a writer.

Tracy Marlowe  |  October 14, 2010
Hindsight is 20/20, right? Seems more than once in the past few years, I have found myself grumbling that I wish I had just become a writer instead of an art director. "They have it SOOO easy" I'd say to myself, as I dig through color chip books and paper sample books while on hold […]

The logo change heard around the world… and back again

Tracy Marlowe  |  October 12, 2010
Last week, Gap unveiled their new logo after ditching their iconic blue box logo that represented their brand for over 20 years. Of course, as you’ve heard by now, this logo change came with much criticism from consumers, brand enthusiasts, advertisers, creative’s, you name it… someone had something to say about it.  So much so […]

Yahoo Seeks to Regain Search Market Share from Google

Tracy Marlowe  |  October 7, 2010
And the war is on!  After years of losing incremental search market share to the ever predominant Google , Yahoo is looking to regain some ground. While Google has won internet searchers with its clean and simplified interface, Yahoo has reinvented their search results hoping to differentiate themselves from Google.  Their new interface gives users […]

Creative Noggin Featured in San Antonio Business Journal about Virtual Advertising Agencies

Tracy Marlowe  |  March 23, 2010
Check us out!  We had a fabulous profile piece in the San Antonio Business Journal about our creative business model.

Cameron-Brooks JMO Featured in Fortune Magazine

Tracy Marlowe  |  March 19, 2010
Our client Cameron-Brooks recently had a wonderful article featured in Fortune magazine that discussed the benefits of hiring Junior Military Officers (JMOs).  Great read!

San Antonio Ad Agency Creative Noggin Launches Cotton Gin Village Website

Tracy Marlowe  |  March 16, 2010
Whew. Boy have we been busy! But as promised from an earlier post, we have finally launched the new website for the Cotton Gin Village and Cabernet Grill Restaurant—and I want to tell everyone about it. First of all, if you've never been to Fredericksburg, then you need to plan a trip....NOW. If you have […]
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