It’s hard to believe that I’ve had Creative Noggin for 9 years now. Seems like just yesterday I was trudging through agency cubicle land, bleary-eyed with my daily Diet Coke in hand. And just the other day, I celebrated one year with my business partner, Tracy Marlowe. Although we simply celebrated with a quiet lunch before a meeting with one of our web partners, we reflected on how fast the past year has gone by.

I had always liked having “my own deal” but one of the best business decisions I made was to partner with a smart and experienced account director. I always wanted a partner – even from day 1 nine years ago. But never really met anyone I trusted and felt right about. Until Tracy and I started working together a few years ago. We both have the same work ethic — work hard, work smart, produce great results and let your pedestals hold plants in your back yard instead of yourself.
So this is simply a shout out to Tracy. They say that to better yourself, you should surround yourself with people you can learn from. Thanks to Tracy, I do that every day. (Although sometimes reluctantly.) For those of you who have not had the privilege of meeting her, she is a blond concoction of energy, enthusiasm, intelligence and grace.
Here’s to another year chickadee!
By Trish McCabe Rawls